Jumat, 02 Oktober 2015

Writing: To Preserve The Language in Your Mind

There is a saying: if you want the world knows you, write!

I believe that the saying says the truth. All of the great thinkers and scientists write their bright and brilliant ideas into books or papers. From time to time, the ideas are preserved. People born in the next period of their life time still can read what they have written.

Every single day in your life, words are said in a language you speak. They can be meaningless, but somehow and sometime they are smart ideas you have not thought before. They create the sparked moment in your mind which we usually call as eureka moment. Unfortunately, we choose to let them go away. We are too lazy to write.

No matter how the ideas pop up in your mind, take time to write them down. Although they are scrambled things, you can sort them later into logical yet readable text. All you need is to fight down the burden of postponing to write the simple thing which actually can be great, someday.

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