Jumat, 02 Oktober 2015

About Linguastudia

The name itself derives from two Latin words: lingua (language) and studia (studere: study, learn). This blog represents my passion, my enthusiasm, my interest and my field of study: language. I started to read when I was three years old. The next earlier years of my life were filled with uncountable experiences of learning, reading, writing and activities in accordance with languages. I could spend hours to read my favorite magazine, Bobo and my favorite books, 'Buku Pintar' (Smart Book), edited by Iwan Gayo. My first foreign language was English as I took my first course on my fourth grade of elementary school. In junior high, I encouraged myself to speak English with my English teacher and classmates. As I went to high school, the activities I had on language became more analytical. I started to translate some English texts to Indonesian vice versa. The analysis on language started to be more frequent as I took my bachelor degree on philosophy. After took some jobs here and there, I continue my study in Linguistics where I found my world in language. This blog will contain my writings, articles about languages and many other topics. Some of them are in Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) and also in English. Enjoy!

P.S.: If you require the translation in English of my writings and articles, please contact me via email: franslambut0605@gmail.com

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